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"There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside of you." - Maya Angelou

Writing Services

You have all the ideas and inspiration, but for whatever reason your muse has decided to withhold the words. Creator's Companion can help you write some delicious prose and delightful dialogue that will keep readers turning the pages and running through the worlds you created with joyous abandon. 

Need unique fluff text for each of the 110 cards in your game? Have all the mechanics and story beats for your latest campaign setting but shudder at the thought of conjuring up yet another NPC name and description? Have you perfected your great aunt Tilly's nut loaf recipe but can't find the words to describe just how delicious it actually is? Fret no longer, we know how to punch up, or straight-up craft, your narrative to make your project unforgettable.

Rates are based on project type. Please reach out to get a quote. 

Ghost Writing

Got an idea for a bestseller, but can't put all the pieces together? Do you have notebooks filled with outlines but can't get the prose down on paper? You might need a ghostwriter!

A ghostwriter writes for someone else who is credited as the author. Yes, this is something that happens all the time in the literary world! As the author, you will retain 100% of the rights to your story and get all the credit while we do all the heavy lifting. We will craft you the book you've been dying to create!

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